What is NEU in blood tests?
NEU Measurement
Low: Below 40%
High: Above 75%
About Neutrophils
Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that helps fight infections.
The reasons for low NEU
Low neutrophils (neutropenia) can be caused by viral infections, bone marrow disorders, chemotherapy, or autoimmune diseases. Increasing immunity through nutrition (zinc, vitamin C), addressing underlying infections, and medications that stimulate white blood cell production can help.
The reasons for elevated NEU
High neutrophils (neutrophilia) are usually due to bacterial infections, stress, smoking, inflammation, or leukemia. Reducing inflammation, treating infections, and addressing underlying conditions can normalize levels.
Is it bad too have too high/low NEU?
Low neutrophil levels increase susceptibility to infections, leading to higher risk of severe illness.
Elevated neutrophils can indicate chronic inflammation or infection, and long-term elevations may signal immune system dysregulation or blood disorders.