
What is MYO in blood tests?

MYO Measurement

Low: Below 10ng/mL

High: Above 85ng/mL

About Myoglobin

Myoglobin is a muscle protein released during heart or skeletal muscle damage.

The reasons for low MYO

Low myoglobin levels are uncommon but may indicate muscle atrophy or severe iron deficiency. Ensuring adequate protein and iron intake can help restore levels.

The reasons for elevated MYO

High myoglobin suggests muscle breakdown, injury, or severe rhabdomyolysis. Hydration and medical evaluation are essential to prevent kidney damage.

Is it bad too have too high/low MYO?

Chronically low myoglobin may impair oxygen transport in muscles, reducing endurance and physical performance.

Elevated myoglobin can strain kidney function and, in severe cases, lead to acute kidney injury (rhabdomyolysis) requiring urgent medical attention.

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