Ionized Calcium

What is iCa in blood tests?

iCa Measurement

Low: Below 1.1mmol/L

High: Above 1.3mmol/L

About Ionized Calcium

Ionized calcium measures the biologically active portion of calcium in the blood.

The reasons for low iCa

Low ionized calcium may be caused by vitamin D deficiency, kidney disease, or hypoparathyroidism. Increasing calcium-rich foods, vitamin D supplementation, and proper kidney function monitoring can help.

The reasons for elevated iCa

High ionized calcium can be due to hyperparathyroidism, excessive vitamin D, or malignancies. Managing calcium intake, hydration, and treating underlying conditions is key to lowering levels.

Is it bad too have too high/low iCa?

Low ionized calcium can lead to muscle cramps, seizures, numbness, and bone weakness over time.

High ionized calcium may contribute to kidney stones, impaired nervous system function, bone pain, and heart complications.

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