Free T4
What is FT4 in blood tests?
FT4 Measurement
Low: Below 0.8ng/dL
High: Above 1.8ng/dL
About Free T4
Free T4 is a thyroid hormone that helps regulate metabolism and energy levels.
The reasons for low FT4
Low Free T4 may result from hypothyroidism, iodine deficiency, or pituitary dysfunction. Addressing thyroid health and ensuring sufficient iodine intake can help.
The reasons for elevated FT4
High Free T4 occurs with hyperthyroidism, autoimmune disorders, or excessive iodine intake. Reducing thyroid overstimulation through medical intervention is advised.
Is it bad too have too high/low FT4?
Persistently low Free T4 can cause metabolic slowdowns, cold intolerance, and increased risk of depression.
High Free T4 levels indicate excessive thyroid hormone production, which can result in rapid heartbeat, muscle wasting, weight loss, increased nervousness, and in severe cases, thyroid storm, a life-threatening condition.