Free T3

What is FT3 in blood tests?

FT3 Measurement

Low: Below 2.3pg/mL

High: Above 4.2pg/mL

About Free T3

Free T3 is an active thyroid hormone that regulates metabolism.

The reasons for low FT3

Low Free T3 can result from hypothyroidism, chronic stress, or nutrient deficiencies. Optimizing iodine and selenium intake can help improve thyroid function.

The reasons for elevated FT3

High Free T3 is often seen in hyperthyroidism and Graves’ disease. Managing thyroid hormone balance through medical intervention is required.

Is it bad too have too high/low FT3?

Low Free T3 leads to sluggish metabolism, weight gain, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function.

Excess Free T3 accelerates metabolism, causing rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, nervousness, muscle breakdown, and weight loss.

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