What is FER in blood tests?
FER Measurement
Low: Below 30ng/mL
High: Above 400ng/mL
About Ferritin
Ferritin is a storage form of iron and an indicator of iron status in the body.
The reasons for low FER
Low ferritin in men suggests iron deficiency, often caused by chronic blood loss or malnutrition. Increasing iron-rich foods like red meat, spinach, and legumes can help.
The reasons for elevated FER
High ferritin may be due to iron overload, liver disease, or inflammation. Blood donation, reducing red meat intake, and monitoring liver function can help.
Is it bad too have too high/low FER?
Low ferritin can lead to anemia, fatigue, dizziness, poor exercise performance, and weakened immunity.
Excess ferritin may indicate iron overload, which can damage organs, contribute to diabetes, and increase the risk of heart disease.