Direct Bilirubin

What is DBIL in blood tests?

DBIL Measurement

Low: Below 0mg/dL

High: Above 0.3mg/dL

About Direct Bilirubin

Direct Bilirubin measures the conjugated bilirubin in the liver, important for bile duct health.

The reasons for low DBIL

Low direct bilirubin is typically not a health concern and reflects efficient liver processing.

The reasons for elevated DBIL

High direct bilirubin suggests bile duct obstruction, liver disease, or gallbladder dysfunction. Treating the underlying condition and improving liver function can help reduce levels.

Is it bad too have too high/low DBIL?

Persistently low direct bilirubin has no significant health effects, but it may indicate faster bilirubin clearance.

High direct bilirubin signals bile duct obstruction, liver disease, or hemolysis, often causing jaundice and digestive complications.

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