
What is Cl in blood tests?

Cl Measurement

Low: Below 96mmol/L

High: Above 106mmol/L

About Chloride

Chloride is an essential electrolyte involved in maintaining acid-base balance and hydration.

The reasons for low Cl

Low chloride (hypochloremia) can be caused by vomiting, excessive sweating, diuretics, or kidney disease. Increasing dietary salt intake and managing fluid balance can help normalize chloride levels.

The reasons for elevated Cl

High chloride (hyperchloremia) is often due to dehydration, kidney disease, or excessive salt intake. Hydration and electrolyte balancing through diet or IV fluids can help lower chloride.

Is it bad too have too high/low Cl?

Low chloride can lead to metabolic alkalosis, causing nausea, confusion, and muscle weakness. Severe cases can affect breathing and cardiovascular stability.

High chloride levels can contribute to acidosis, dehydration, and kidney stress. Long-term imbalances may affect nerve and muscle function.

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