
What is CPEP in blood tests?

CPEP Measurement

Low: Below 0.5ng/mL

High: Above 2ng/mL

About C-Peptide

C-Peptide is used to evaluate insulin production and differentiate between diabetes types.

The reasons for low CPEP

Low C-Peptide levels may indicate Type 1 diabetes, pancreatic insufficiency, or autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing cells. Treating diabetes with appropriate insulin therapy and monitoring pancreatic function can help.

The reasons for elevated CPEP

High C-Peptide levels are seen in insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. Reducing carbohydrate intake, increasing fiber, and engaging in regular exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Is it bad too have too high/low CPEP?

Low C-Peptide results in poor blood sugar regulation, increasing the risk of hyperglycemia and energy metabolism issues.

Chronically high C-Peptide indicates metabolic dysfunction and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.

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