Alkaline Phosphatase

What is ALP in blood tests?

ALP Measurement

Low: Below 30U/L

High: Above 120U/L

About Alkaline Phosphatase

ALP is an enzyme linked to liver, bone, and bile duct function.

The reasons for low ALP

Low ALP levels can result from malnutrition, hypothyroidism, magnesium deficiency, or celiac disease. Ensuring adequate intake of vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium can help improve levels. Regular weight-bearing exercises can also stimulate bone health.

The reasons for elevated ALP

High ALP levels are associated with liver disease, bile duct obstruction, or bone disorders such as Paget’s disease. Maintaining proper liver function, reducing alcohol consumption, and treating underlying bone conditions can help.

Is it bad too have too high/low ALP?

Persistently low ALP may lead to poor bone mineralization, increased risk of fractures, and metabolic disturbances.

High ALP may indicate progressing liver disease, osteoporosis, or bile duct complications requiring further medical evaluation.

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